For any emergencies, please contact Cory Langston at: (435) 459-1712 or Riverside Plumbing at: (435) 259-8324
The Water Board
Roles and Responsibilities
From the PCWC BYLAWS, Article III: Officers
The President shall be the principal executive officer of the PCWC and shall, lead, supervise and manage the business and affairs of the PCWC consistent with these Bylaws, Board Policy and motions adopted and applicable laws. The President shall:
Lead the Board of Trustees in performing its duties and responsibilities, including when present, presiding at all meetings of the Shareholders and of the Board of Trustees and determining the Board agendas and making assignments.
Sign, with the Secretary or any other officer of the PCWC thereunto authorized by the Board of Trustees, legal documents or other instruments which the Board of Trustees has authorized to be executed.
1. Direct Shareholder Communication:
The President has the responsibility and authority to speak on behalf of the Board and respond to all shareholder communication addressed to the Board of Trustees; (may delegate)
2. Lead and Manage work of the Board
3. Establishes annual priorities for the approval of the Board
B. Schedule Board meetings and determine Board meeting agendas in coordination with the Secretary.
C. Determine Committees Chairs by selecting volunteers from the Board for the standing committees (see Committees and Charges).
D. Recommend changes in committees or committee charges for Board approval
E. Support Committee Chairs by serving as an Ad Hoc member of all committees.
4. Oversee and Direct the Work of the Water System Operator
A. See that the Board maintains an agreement that outlines duties and compensation.
B. Conduct a review of the agreement at least every two years.
5. Transition Support
A. Work with the Secretary to orient new Trustees
B. Orient newly elected President to the job
The Vice President, in the absence of the President or in the event of the President’s death, inability or refusal to act, shall perform the duties of the President, and when so acting, shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the President.
1. Conduct Board Meetings in the absence of the President.
2. Assist the President as requested
3. Coordinate with the Secretary on the Welcoming Packet and Communication and Records Procedures
4. Coordinate with the Garbage Monitor
5. Provide transition support to the new Vice-President.
The Treasurer shall oversee the financial condition and affairs of the Corporation. The Treasurer may appoint, with the approval of the Board, a qualified fiscal agent to assist in performance of all or part of the duties of the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall:
Keep the Board informed of the financial condition of the PCWC and report to Shareholders at least twice annually or as directed in Policy.
Oversee budget preparation and ensure that appropriate financial statements are prepared and available to the Board on a timely basis. Such documents shall also be available to Shareholders as defined by Board Policy and the law.
Ensure that financial records are maintained and financial reports are filed consistent with Policy and legal requirements.
The responsibility of the Treasurer is to manage the finances of the PCWC in the following ways:
1. Ensure timely payment of debts and contractor fees, collection of receivables, management of fiscal assets and regular reporting to the Board.
2. Authorize special payments under $1000 without Board approval.
3. Maintain Treasurer’s policies and procedures including: budgeting and reporting procedures, establishment of fees and penalties, approvals for non-budgeted expenses, management of capital and reserve funds, and pursuit of delinquent accounts.
4. Prepare an Annual budget for Board review prior to Member approval at the Annual Meeting, including recommendations for annual fees and special assessments.
5. Review the PCWC Fee and Assessment Policy and Procedures at least every three years.
6. Assure that Shareholders are billed semi-annually on or before June 1 and December 1.
7. Follow-up with delinquent shareholders (per policy) and advise them of late payment penalties and interest.
8. Ensure annual renewal of PCWC Insurance and oversee a review of insurance coverage at least every three years.
9. Maintain annual memberships in outside organizations as appropriate.
10. Post on the PCWC Google Group the Monthly Profit and Loss Budget Performance from the budget report received from the accountants.
11. Oversee and direct the work of the PCWC Accountant
a. See that the Board maintains an agreement that outlines duties and compensation
b. Conduct a review of the agreement at least every three years.
12. Provide transition support
a. Orient newly elected Treasurer to the job
b. Pass on appropriate documents and records
The Secretary shall:
Oversee all required record keeping and retention of corporate documents including: (a) the minutes of Shareholder meetings and Board of Trustee meetings; (b) stock transfer documents; (c) the seal of the PCWC, and all governing documents including the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and Policies and (d) Shareholder contact information.
Ensure that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws or as required by law.
Sign, with the President, Certificates of Shares of the Corporation.
1. Meeting Support and Minutes
A. Schedule and make arrangements for Board meetings and Shareholder meetings including the locations and communication methods for Board members and Shareholders to participate by phone when they cannot attend.
B. Work with the President to finalize meeting agendas and provide appropriate notice of all meetings (minimum ten days) to Trustees and Shareholders by posting the Agenda on the Google Group.
C. Complete all meeting minutes according to procedures agreed to by the Board. This includes: sending a draft to Board members for their review and final copy for approval, making an effort to complete the minutes in a timely manner and posting the approved meeting minutes on the Google Group after Board approval.
2. Annual Meeting Duties
A. Schedule the location of the Annual Meeting for the first Saturday in the month of May and arrange for equipment needed.
B. Prepare the Annual Meeting Agenda and attachments in coordination with the President and announce the meeting on the Google Group at least 10 days prior to the meeting. (See Bylaws Article IV Section 5: Notice of Meetings) Attachments include the Shareholder Contact Information, Annual Budget, Resolutions and other information to be presented for Shareholders’ consideration at the meeting.
C. Prepare the eligible voter rolls for the Annual meeting and close them 10 days prior to the meeting. (See Bylaws Article IV Section 8: Voting Lists)
D. Prepare Proxies for Shareholders not attending the meeting. (See Bylaws Article IV Section 11: Proxies)
E. Coordinate the creation of an Election Committee comprised of at least one Board member and not more than 3 Shareholders to prepare the slate of candidates volunteering to serve on the Board. (see Bylaws Article V Section 5: Nominating and Election Process.)
2. Shareholders and Water Share Certificates
A. Maintain a current Shareholder Contact Information list of all shareholders organized by Subdivisions and Lot Numbers.
B. Issue and record all Water Share Certificates according to the Procedure for the Transfer of a Water Share Certificate.
3.. Communications with Shareholders
A. Coordinate communication between the Board and Shareholders by managing the water company email:
B. Manage the PCWC Google Group so that all current Shareholders are invited to join and only current Shareholders are able to access it.
C. Post notification of Board meetings, agendas and other water company related announcements on the PCWC Google Group.
D. Send all information posted on the PCWC Google Group a second time to all Shareholders at their Preferred Email Addresses to assure that all Shareholders receive all information.
E. Monitor postings by shareholders to assure that the PCWC Google Group is being used for water company business and not for other matters of community interest
F. Maintain Communication Policy and Procedures assuring these are reviewed at least every three years.
4. Document Retention
A. Maintain Document Retention Policy and Procedures assuring these are reviewed at least every three years.
B. Assure all documents are retained in accordance with the Document Retention Policy.
C. On at least an annual basis, update the “Historical Chronology of the Pack Creek Water Company” which captures key decisions made and action taken to facilitate continuity and to inform future decisions and action.
D. Coordinate with PCWC website webmaster to assure archiving and retention of water company records and duplicate back up hard drive retention of the same records.
5. Governing Documents/Board Resources
A. Maintain a Board Policy and Procedures Manual and arrange for Trustees to have access to a copy of manual and other resources.
B. Coordinate with the PCWC website webmaster to assure important water company records, resources and other information are available to Shareholders.
6. Provide Transition Support to the newly elected Secretary and assist the President in orienting other new Board members.